Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Perry v. Hutchinson

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson, according to the Rasmussen Reports has narrowed the gap between herself and Governor Rick Perry. For most of August the Senator did a power tour around Texas formally announcing her candidacy and to remind people she is still in this race. Just two months ago the reports had put Governor Perry ahead by 10 points. The Senator has narrowed the gap between herself and Perry. Keep in mind Debra Medina, a business owner and rancher, is also running. The results of the polls show that Bailey has the support of 40 percent of the Republican population, Perry with 38 percent, 19 percent who are still undecided on who they are voting for, and 3 percent for Debra Medina. Perry's campaign is still confident in their race for governor because the Rasmussen has put him more popular with the conservatives. But the reports show she is more popular with the self proclaimed liberal and moderates than Perry is. For all you Republicans, this article is important to keep you all informed on the Republican race for governor and the closeness between the top two candidates.